A Gracious Welcome, and a Very Very Happy New Year 2005

My efforts at blogging have been hilarious at best. Twice I registered with Blogger, and twice I vanished without a harvest of toil. Apparently this was my only post in my second Blogger incarnation – written about 15 months back on the New Years day. I imported the post from Blogger (In case you did not know, WordPress provides an automated importing system from Blogger and some other blogging sites). I have deleted some comments which were either spams or link exchange requests.  

A very very gracious welcome to all. And a very very Happy New Year to you all. Five years back it was that I made friends with the internet. I have had my website for that long now. Presently the website is hosted at www.priyatu.jayatu.com. During these five years it has been my great fortune to know this potent medium, and meet many nice people from around the world.
I had opened a few blog accounts. But I did not actually use them. In fact in none of the accounts that I created, did I write anything. They now lie in unused dust in some part of the internet, or they have been dissolved altogether. I hope to use this blog account as an online diary, and for other purposes.
One might wonder, if I have my own website, what is the utility of using third party blogs! Well, the ease of use. Uploading a site is a cumbersome process, and given my deplorable server, it is always a nightmare. With this Blog I can frequently update my thoughts, and share them with the wide, wide world. I sincerely hope that in my thoughts and ideas, some other souls would find something of use or solace.
As I venture upon this intimate journey, wish me luck. And from me, accept my wishes for a very very Happy New Year 2005.

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